The sensation produced on the eye when resolved as by a prism into different wavelength.

Colour is feeling, it is a physical sensation that we produce.

There are many different cultural representations of different colours. Im a European culture white means purity and viginity, the same colour in the Chinese culture means mourning or loss.

Colour affects us in different ways.

Here are two examples of the many meanings of colour.

BLUE......The Inner chambers of god. Intuitive, feeling, careing, healing, sensitive to the needs of others.
Commitment and dedicated to a cause.
Will quietly achieve, capable of detachment when counselling.

Employment....Nurse, Doctor, religious calling, Lawyer.

INDIGO.....Clear seeing, intuitive, clairvoyant, spiritual, artistic and musical, good with figures and the law.

Employment....Accountant, Lawyer, Nurse, Doctor, Receptionist, Detectve, Healer.